The Palace Museum,s Essential Collections:Bronzeware from the Shang, 杜迺松、故宮博物院, 9789620756580, 商務印書館, 書局, 網路書店, 金石堂,
近年來22K與低薪成為年輕世代就業熱門關鍵字,傳統的成功定義成為遙不可及的夢想,如果你覺得自己一整天累得像狗一樣,你真是誤會大了,狗都沒你這麼累,人生是一場不斷冒險的旅程,還不趕快先惡補生存交戰閱讀指南,跳脫框框,能讓你的視野更開闊,夢想不遠,廢柴也能出頭天!從閱讀建立自我的價值觀,衝破魯蛇框架,走出自己人生的一片天。今天,在這兒跟各位推薦一本好書:The Palace Museum,s Essential Collections:Bronzeware from the Shang
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The Palace Museum,s Essential Collections:Bronzeware from the Shang,作者:杜迺松、故宮博物院,出版社:商務印書館,ISBN:9789620756580
點下面的圖片進去, 就可以看到整理的分享!
To deepen the understanding of cultural and social background of the Bronzewares from Shang to Jin Dynasties
The Palace Museum's Essential Collection
Selected 203 Bronzewares from Shang to Jin Dynasties
The Palace Museum, the Forbidden City, has a comprehensive collection of the world's largest treasury of ancient Chinese art. The Museum is an abundant resource for anyone who are interested in Chinese paintings, ceramic wares, jade wares, calligraphy, furniture, and other valuable treasures.
This title offers descriptions of a selected collection of 203 bronzeware pieces from Shang (1600 ─1046 B.C.) to Jin (265─420 A.D.) Dynasties, including a wide range of rare pieces like food vessels, musical instruments, wine vessels, mirrors, candleholders, and many others. It also features an introductory essay by the Museum's expert who explains the historical and artistic value of bronzeware.
★ 精選故宮博物院中最具代表性的203件青銅器文物。
★ 含實物放大圖、圖解。
★ 含故宮專家撰寫的導言。
The Palace Museum,s Essential Collections:Bronzeware from the Shang,作者:杜迺松、故宮博物院,出版社:商務印書館,ISBN:9789620756580